Saturday, May 21, 2011

$45.00 and Yard Sales!

I went and did a little shopping today.  I am not overly satisfied with my trip. I ended up spending $45 + tax I saved almost 50% of what it would have cost by price matching and using coupons.  What I am happy about is that I got lots of quick lunch stuff so I can hopefully get in the habit of packing my lunch more often. I eat lunch out pretty much everyday during the week! Expensive! 

I also plan on finishing inputting all the bills into the Money software on the computer and fine tune a plan to start paying stuff off and saving more $$$

I've been looking around the house even though it seems like I donate to Goodwill all the time there's still a TON that can probably go.  To have a yard sale or not?? Most of the stuff is odds and ends small stuff but I still could probably make a few hundred dollars.  But I HATE yard sales! Not other peoples just my own LOL I find them to be a massive pain to prepare for and execute.  But the $$ would be nice to pay off a bill.  I just don't know if I have enough junk I mean precious treasures to pull one off.  Okay I think I convinced myself to do it.  I might regret that decision, but I am sure you will all hear about that too LOL.

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